Drop-in Groups
Drop-in groups are peer-led (for 2SLGBTQ+ people, by 2SLGBTQ+ people) programs that are hosted online and/or in-person. Below is a list of our current groups and how to attend or RSVP.
20 Something Group
The 20 Something Meet-Up, is a blend of hang-out and discussion groups for 2SLGBTQIA+ folks ages 19-29 every month on the second and fourth Tuesday. Join Maddie, Cort, and other folks in their twenties still figuring this interesting world out in their 20’s.
In-person dates (2nd and 4th Tuesdays):
Time: 7-9 pm
30ish Group
The 30-ish Group is a blend of a drop-in and discussion-based group. This is open to all 2SLGBTQIA+ people in their thirties and those who are also 29! Join our Facilitator Meghan and others monthly on the third Tuesday for a night of chats, discussions, and games from 7PM until 9PM. This in-person program will have a maximum of around 25 participants to keep things chill.
Time: 7-9pm
Ace/Aro Space
Join us for thoughtful discussions and recreational activities centering Ace/Aro folks in the Ottawa Community every 1st Thursday of the month at 7PM!; and the 3rd Saturday of each month at 2PM! This in-person group is open to anyone who identifies under the asexual or aromantic umbrellas (including grey, demi, quoi, alloaro, etc). So even if you are new to the community, or have been waiting to meet and chill with other Ace/Aro folks for a while, this space is open for you.
Date: 1st Thursday (7-9pm), 3rd Saturday (2-4pm)
Cafe Q
On the first and third Fridays, a diverse and dynamic group of youth meet at Kind for an evening of low-pressure hanging out. Care, support, and harm reduction are key practices at Café Q which is run by Taryn and other support facilitators. Join other youth for game nights, art making, snacks or just to chill and check in with friends.
Kind Space is at 400 Cooper, Unit 9001 on Floor 9!
Date: 1st and 3rd Fridays
Time: 6-9pm
(The) Drop-In
Open Wednesdays to Fridays from 12pm – 6pm. Drop by to learn about Ottawa’s 2SLGBTQIA+ community centre, study, work, access resources, and make friends.
The drop-in is open to all ages, those under 12 must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older.
No registration required. Sign in/sign out at the door.
**Note: The Drop-In may not run some days due to community partner or Kind Space events.**
Fabulous 40's
The Fabulous 40’s Group is a discussion and social space for 2SLGBTQIA+ in their 40’s to meet others their age. Maybe you are changing careers, navigating an aging family, or several major changes occurring in your life; this peer group is here for you to share; seek advice, and make new friends over a small activity. Join Stephanie and others the first Wednesday of every month from 6PM until 9PM as we stay fabulous during the long journey which is our 40’s.
Date: 1st Wednesday
Time: 6-9pm
GenderQuest is a support and social group for trans, non-binary, gender diverse, and two-spirit adults. This is a diverse, peer-led social group for those at any stage of transition: come, share, learn, and socialize in a safer space. All trans, two-spirit, and gender-diverse people are welcome to attend, including those who are on their gender quest and are still figuring it out! Join Taryn and Sophie during the first hour for discussion and questions, with the remaining time for socializing and making new friends.
GenderQuest meets every second Monday Online from 7PM until 9PM and the last Wednesday of the month in person, now from 6PM to 9PM. The first portion of GenderQuest will remain the same where participants will engage in lightly themed conversations together as a group, then after a break, participants can meet and mingle, make new friends, play games, and/or join smaller conversations throughout the space.
- 2nd Mondays (online) – Attend/RSVP
- In-person
Time: 6-9pm
(The) Puzzle Club
Puzzle Club is a drop-in group at Kind Space for people of all ages, to play traditional recreational games and puzzles. Every Second and Fourth Friday from 7:30-9:00 PM. This is an opportunity to revisit some old-fashioned games and pastimes; create jigsaw puzzles over the weeks; or play; board games, cards, checkers, chess, and charades with other people.
Whatever type of puzzle you like to do, come break some loneliness. This space will be open before the club to play games and socialize, but the big puzzles won’t be rolled out until 7:30PM! Come Join the Club!
Registration for this particular group is not required; but does help Kind Space help accommodate allergies, emergency contacts; and particular accessibility requirements. You can just drop into the space.
Silver Souls - 50+ group
Silver Souls is a peer support for 50+ LGBTQ+ and will take place every second and fourth Friday, from 6:30-7:30 PM. This is a safer space to talk about whatever is on your mind or heart. Tea and snacks are offered. After the hour session, you are welcome to stay for puzzle club which runs from 7:30PM – 9:00PM for all ages.
Registration for this particular group is not required; but does help Kind Space help accommodate allergies, emergency contacts; and particular accessibility requirements. You can just drop into the space.
Queer Amore aims to create a comfortable space to gather and talk about issues related to being bisexual, pansexual, bi-curious and questioning. Queer Amore with Ben and Tova, takes a fresh look at exploring and enjoying your sexuality. Previously known as BiAmore, this group strives to be a safe space for those who are processing their identity or want to meet others who are on their journey.
- 1st Thursdays – Attend/RSVP
- 3rd Mondays – Attend/RSVP
Time: 7-9pm
Community Guidelines
Kind Space is an intersectional space and acknowledges that being oppressed in one way does not absolve us of being oppressors in other ways. Hierarchies in our communities exist and must actively and continually be challenged.
Note: This list was augmented to include virtual meetings and spaces.
Do this all (or most of) the time
- Introduce yourself to new people you meet
- If you feel comfortable you can introduce yourself with your name and pronoun
- Ask people if it is OK before making physical contact, especially if you do not know them
- Use the name and pronoun a person gives you
- Do not ask or question people’s gender or sexuality, especially in public spaces
- Take ownership of your words and actions and the effect they may have on others.
- If you are participating in a group for the first time, it is a good rule of thumb to listen and get an understanding of the dynamics and culture of the group
- Ask clarification questions around sensitive subjects with facilitators or staff
- Give people high fives, hugs and fist bumps if you are comfortable and the other person consents
- Do not give out your personal contact information, especially if you are a counsellor, placement student, or doing peer support work
Do not do this all the time
- Make assumptions about someone’s gender, sexuality, or relationship status/style
- Touch people or enter people’s personal space without their consent (online, too!)
- Mis-gendering someone (gender identity, expression, and perception can be tricky!), it happens, apologize, move on and do better – DO NOT DWELL OR APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY
I am not sure what you were thinking
- Continually disrespecting people, their wishes and/or boundaries
- Assault/abuse/harassment (sexual, physical, emotional, mental)
- Theft from service users, volunteers, staff, or Kind Space
- Intimidation or threats of violence against service users, volunteers, staff, or Kind Space
Program Feedback (external link)
Interested in supporting community led support and social groups? Donate now!
Social Nights
Anime Club
Board Game Nights
Grow With The Flow
Karaoke Nights
Mental Wellness
Our Mental wellness resources are skills-based, trauma-informed, and rooted in self-determination.
Community Care Booklet (workbook)
Having conversations about what kind of care you need can be tricky and sometimes difficult. With some inspirational help from a workshop by the Ten Oaks Project, we developed a Care Book!
My Crisis Care Plan (workbook)
My Crisis Care Plan is an adopted and expanded workbook of Lindsay Braman’s worksheet “My Personal Crisis Plan“. Lindsay Braman is a Seattle-based artist, therapist, educator, and visual translator.
We expanded the length of the worksheet, adding additional questions and Ottawa-specific resources.
Education and Outreach
Training & Workshops
Kind Space does not offer regular workshops or training for individuals or community groups. Information sessions are offered sporadically when capacity allows.
Kind Space is available to table at community fairs and coporate events.
Contact Carling at carling@kindspace.ca for outreach events.
Growing Resistance
Growing Resistance is a regenerative care project for communities and the environment. Access to food, clean air, and water (along with shelter) is the right of all people. We all occupy this space together and share the responsibility of taking care of the land and each other.
OUTtawa: A SafetyLabs Project [ARCHIVED]
This project ended March 30, 2022 and the final report was submitted on September 30th. The project pages will be archived and remain viewable for transparency.
You can read the final report here
You can view the workplace environmental scan here
You can view the resource guide here
OUTtawa as a program strives to outline the importance of intent vs. impact, accountability and survivor informed/centred holistic community wellness. This project hopes to cultivate a space that addresses harm and conflict, explores areas for organizational improvement and addresses shame, truth and reconciliation within a constructive non-abusive environment.