“Bless Our Lucky Stars!” is a monthly storytelling horoscope series where the Celestial Council of Queerious Aunties– Sun, Moon, and Terry (short for “the Terrestrial Planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars”) give you some gay-lactically unsolicited advice. Feel free to read both your Sun and Rising signs, and (like any words that come down from a council of aunties) only heed what works for you, and smile and nod your way through the rest! Note: It’s Pride month in so-called Ottawa, so these guidance tidbits will be referencing that, but if you’re not from that region, just replace the word “Pride” with August.

Aries Rising or Aries Sun

When a fire burns bright, what things can grow afterward? This is what Auntie Sun and Auntie Terry want you to think about. While Auntie Sun encourages you to party this pride month, after the parade, it’s time to face what ways you can encourage and serve your community. Auntie Terry especially advises slowing down and thinking through how you gather information and how you communicate, especially around daily interactions, as she worries your tongue will be extra spicy this August.

Taurus Rising or Taurus Sun

Auntie Sun and Auntie Moon will seem to have contradicting requests for you– Auntie Sun is worried that you’ll get overwhelmed if you don’t tend to the garden of your domestic life, while Auntie Moon (around August 19th) is concerned about emotional upset if you don’t get to show off the fields of your career or community roles. While you may be trying to balance these possible conflicting suggestions during Pride, Auntie Terry advises you to reflect on the information you’re receiving and how you communicate with your family (whether chosen or of origin), especially any children in your life. Despite all this, Auntie Terry believes you’ll be emboldened to up your sense of security and finances, and also still attract a lot of playful fun this month.

Gemini Rising or Gemini Sun

“Watch out for being filled with hot air this month,” warns Auntie Terry. She’s worried that your temper will be close to the surface so that you’ll be blustery and create conflicts with those close to you, especially those you consider family. Auntie Sun and Auntie Moon believe that though you may get long-winded, especially around Pride, you can still use your words and information gathering as a way to teach and expand horizons.

Cancer Rising or Cancer Sun

Sometimes when the tide recedes, it leaves us treasures or wreckage. Auntie Moon wants you to contemplate the secrets you’re keeping and the power you hold with your deep, flooded feelings during Pride week, while Auntie Sun may want the opposite for the whole month– that you truly consider what is tangible enough to make you feel safe and secure. Regardless of what ends up on the shore of your priorities in August, Auntie Terry suggests that you talk about it, especially with those you love.

Leo Rising or Leo Sun

All the Aunties know that this month, and Pride week, is your time to shine. Auntie Sun is burning brightly as your fairy godmother this season while Auntie Moon is suggesting the opposite of your Me Time– it’s time to deepen and stabilize your intimate relationships before you suddenly get burned by feelings you hadn’t checked in on. Auntie Terry thinks that Pride is about getting excited with your friend groups and celebrating all those who have stuck by you and supported your own hard work and sense of security.

Virgo Rising or Virgo Sun

During Pride, Auntie Sun and Auntie Moon are requesting you shift your perspectives around what it means to struggle and to serve– not just serving publicly, but also contrasting that with what it means to serve yourself and to serve behind-the-scenes. Further, Auntie Terry wants you informed, courageous, and refined around service and sacrifice. Is there a conflict with your community role and what you can offer? What grains of truth can you find in the ways you present yourself and speak versus what is it that you’re truly passionate about doing?

Libra Rising or Libra Sun

The gentle winds of friendship seem to be what Auntie Sun wants you to focus on during Pride, but Auntie Terry asks you to examine questions that the breeze of celebration and hangouts cannot hide. She wonders about how you communicate your philosophies, who you turn to when things get hard, how you talk about it, and when. As you party during Pride week, Auntie Terry also suggests you confront the question of your own growth, and where you want to go for the next chapter of your life.

Scorpio Rising or Scorpio Sun

“Pride month brings a downpour that can overwhelm you”, warns Auntie Moon and Auntie Sun, for you may feel torn between focusing on your career versus your home life, and will need to find a balance before you get washed away by the storm. Auntie Terry thinks it’s time to find those as passionate as you are about the topics that consume you in the eye of the tempest, such as death and sex and the great mysteries. She believes that during Pride, it’ll be like-minded communities and friends that will get you through these times.

Sagittarius Rising or Sagittarius Sun

Auntie Sun wants your sparks to fly this Pride, and to do what you do best– travel, wax philosophical, and experience the electrifying messiness of life! Auntie Terry, on the other hand, is worried about exciting relationships conflicting with career networking and/or how you communicate with the public. Regardless, the Aunties want to make sure that you act with integrity in how you relate to others, no matter what kind of adventure you’re on and how the lightning strikes you.

Capricorn Rising or Capricorn Sun

“Pride this year may seem like an opportunity to continue reaching ever greater heights in regards to serving your community”, says Auntie Terry, but she also wants you to be mindful of Auntie Sun’s guidance too. The brightest Auntie in the sky encourages you to feel into your own power when the going gets rocky, and to take the time to survey the landscape of your own legacies. What is it that others will inherit from you? What can you take with you when you pass on and what must be left behind?

Aquarius Rising or Aquarius Sun

Auntie Moon is inspiring you to go soar into your feelings this Pride week, even if you don’t think you have them. She believes that your needs will become obvious to those around you, and so Auntie Sun wants you to balance it with reaching out to your relationships so you have a bit more space to breathe. Auntie Terry knows that you’re wanting to launch yourself into festivities, but she’s advising that you give time to connect with and talk to others about the cosmic mysteries that you ponder on constantly.

Pisces Rising or Pisces Sun

“Focus on sinking into the depths of love and not enmity,” Auntie Terry counsels.”Especially don’t pick fights with those you call family.” Auntie Sun suggests you float through Pride month serving your communities, including yourself. The Aunties know that you’re currently swirling in an ocean of other people’s expectations, and that you’ll navigate it best by talking it through with those close to you.

Drop-in Open: Feb 19, 20, 21
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